Franz Lohner’s Chronicle – Somewhere Not so Safe


An absent-minded man of mysteries, Franz Lohner relies on his bulging journal to keep track of occurrences, intrigues and arguments around Taal's Horn Keep. Sometimes his notes are even useful, believe it or not. The Franz Lohner Chronicles are extracts from that journal.

I don’t believe it. I really don’t believe it. Ever have one of those days where you spend every scrap of your failing energies looking for something? You know, the kind of search where you open out every drawer and pocket, swearing like a Marienburger with each and every failure to find what you’re after, only to have the blessed thing show up in the most unlikely place? Well, I’m having one of those.

Can’t rightly say how long I’ve been looking for Hedda Bardinsdottir – time just don’t seem to be running right around here no more – but suffice to say it’s a been a while. Scoured eight countries and two magical dimensions, I have. Used every contact and connivance at my disposal. Then, lo and behold, just as I was about to write the whole thing off as a bad job, she only goes and surfaces of her own accord. At the risk of sounding like Bardin, these young folks just have no sense of timing.

Of course, it’s not quite as easy as all that – nothing ever is around here. It ain’t as though young Hedda’s just rolled up at the keep for a quick pint and a natter. No, best as I can tell, she’s up near Karak Azgaraz, fighting the good fight against the skaven who took over the
hold of Khazid Kro some months back. War drums are pounding thereabouts – or rather, ratman bells are ringing – and it sounds like Karak Azgaraz is the next target of this never ending skaven invasion.

King Thuringar’s a good fellow, but a mite fatalistic. I’ve been trying to convince him to take a stand for ... oh, I don’t know, ages now. All to no avail. Weren’t good enough for Hedda, so I understand, who’s taken matters into her own hands and the battle to the ratty squatters in Khazid Kro.

Sounds good, don’t it? And it would be, only Hedda’s war party’s overdue, and Thuringar can’t convince his thanes to bail out a disobedient outsider. Just as a well I’ve got a band of bloody heroes at my beck and call, ain’t it? Only I’m going to have to play this one a bit careful, like. I don’t want Bardin to get his hopes up. If the Ubersreik Five do manage to bail Hedda out, all to the good. If not? Well, maybe it’s better she just vanishes into mystery. Kinder that way.

Dear oh dear. I do hate lying to folk, but sometimes it’s for their own good.

LoreLeo Wakelin