Franz Lohner’s Chronicle – It’s Geheimnisnacht all Over Again


An absent-minded man of mysteries, Franz Lohner relies on his bulging journal to keep track of occurrences, intrigues and arguments around Taal's Horn Keep. Sometimes his notes are even useful, believe it or not. The Franz Lohner Chronicles are extracts from that journal.

Seems my instincts were bang on, and not for the first time. Both Mannsleib and Morrsleib are at the full, and you know what that means? Yes siree. It’s Geheimnisnacht. What I wouldn’t give for it to happen on the regular – you know, a date we can plan for – but these old moons of ours are erratic little devils, and you never can quite be sure when the witching night’s going to fall.

At least this makes sense of recent events – or mostly so. There’s always trouble when Geheimnisnacht rolls around, and you can bet that’s why Lutonious wound up as a maggot factory, and Catrinne nearly ended up the same. Malevolence is the watchword at this time of the year, whether it be otherworldly or flesh and blood. You can light candles and mutter prayers all you want, but you’re better off with some steel to hand – preferably enchanted, if you can get it.

In fact, turns out we’re in for a particularly rough one this time around. Olesya’s been having visions of a daemon lurking in the Weaves. Name of Blosphoros the Three-Eyed Watcher. Or at least that’s what it calls itself in these here mortal realms – daemons like to keep their true names hidden, because true names have power. Much like my own, in fact, but that’s another matter.

True to form, Olesya’s not entirely sure what Blosphoros is up to, but my lads have reported ritualistic activity all around the Five’s usual stomping grounds, and every last one of the things centred around a three-eyed skull. Three-eyed skull, three-eyed daemon. Can’t be a coincidence, can it? Even if it was, I’m a firm believer in the precepts of ‘better safe than sorry’ – I even have a medal for something similar hereabouts – so I’ve asked the five to put the mockers on any such daemonical disturbance they encounter. Likely to entail a bit of additional risk, but they’re all still furious about what happened – and what nearly happened – to Catrinne last week, so honestly it’s as much therapeutic vengeance as it is diligent pragmatism.

As for Catrinne? Well, she’s well enough to hold a paintbrush again, so there’s that. She’s a little snappier than before – if you can believe it – but that’s only to be expected, under the circumstances.

Anyway, I can’t keep wittering away onto the page. Geheimnisnacht’s only just underway, and I’ve wards to set and candles to light. Took the liberty of getting my old sword out of storage, so if something comes a-knocking on my door tonight, it’ll get a taste of how I settle grudges first hand and on fire.

Tell you the truth, I’m actually looking forward to it.

Tuva J