All About Grudge Marks


“Rat-beast! Looks angry, darlings!” - Sienna

The Grudge Mark Update will be released this week on October 28, and today we are taking you on a deep dive into the update to look at the different attributes and more.

"With the End Times approaching, Okri's grown concerned that a number of long-held grudges might go unfulfilled. Accordingly, he's taken the unusual step of asking the Ubersreik Five to settle accounts (as drengbarazi, they're as near to being honourary dwarfs as makes no difference) for families wiped out by war."

Want to know more about the message from Okri to Lohner? You can read the Lohner’s Chronicle by clicking here or on the button below.

A New Challenge

Encountering a monster with two spears poking out through its back will provide an extra challenge in the Chaos Wastes. A Grudge Marked monster spawns at the end of an expedition in an arena, or from a Chest of Trials.


“Remember your training, mates.” - Kruber

Attributes change the flow of battle. Learn the attributes and learn them well (by heart is our advice). You will rarely encounter a monster with the same attributes twice. 

Depending on the difficulty and progress in an expedition, the number of attributes a Grudge Marked monster can spawn with varies. The minimum amount is 0, and the maximum is 3. Even a monster with no attributes is a little tougher than its unmarked counterpart. 

Attributes per difficulty:

Recruit  0-1

Veteran 0-2

Champion 0-3

Legend 0-3

Cataclysm 1-3

List of Attributes

Mark has a chance to warp to random locations near the player when hit.

Mark periodically summons 3 mirror images of itself.

Mark cannot be staggered.

Mark periodically deals more damage.

Mark heals from the damage it deals to players (and bots!).

Mark is immune to ranged damage.

Mark periodically becomes immune to damage.

Mark severely cripples players it deals damage to.

Mark breaks blocks and briefly prevents stamina regeneration.

Mark regenerates health over time.


Now It’s Personal

Another feature that helps distinguish a Grudge Marked monster from a run-of-the-mill boss is their names. Each Grudge Marked enemy will have a name to set it apart from the others. 


Challenges & New rewards

Okri is providing more challenges to complete in the Grudge Marks update. In total 60 new challenges will be added together with new rewards: 15 new character skin color variations. You can track the progress of these challenges in Okri’s Book from within the Keep. 

*Owners of a Premium Career(s) will receive 4 extra challenges per career to unlock an extra skin color variation per owned career.

AnnouncementTuva J